Spiritual Notes of Robert


Four blessed popes 1958-2005


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Beschrijving: sunflower


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1958-1963 John XXIII

1963-1978 Paul VI

1978 John Paul I

1978-2005 John Paul the Great


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Totus tuus.


During 47 years the Roman Catholic Church has had

the blessing of wise and religious men,

who were able to bring more world peace,

more human rights, more willingness for

dialog with other religions.

Beschrijving: sunflower


I remember the day that John XXIII

was called out to be pope. Vatican watchers were expecting

no miracles from the cardinal of Venice.

How wrong they were.

After being carried into the Saint Peter cathdral,

he abolished many overdone ceremonies.

At last a pope understood why John Hus from Prague

rejected the old faith in 1412.

At the time Hus was burned and the verdict stated him

to be a follower of Wycliff

(which he was without doubt, something to be proud of!).

 This verdict on John Hus and him being burned

became an avalanche called Reformation

and Protestant churches.

Is this why cardinal Roncalli from Venice

called himself John XXIII, exactly the same name

as the pope who condemned John Hus in 1412?

I think so, because John XXIII did the same

as the former John XXIII had done in 1409,

which is calling together a concilium, Vaticanum II.

Vaticanum II was a miracle of enormous significance,

because Vaticanum II was the start of

a new beginning for the church.

John XXIII died as maybe the most popular men ever.

John XXIII has been beatified not so long ago.

Certainly he has to be called out a saint

Beschrijving: sunflower


Paul VI had the difficult task to fulfill

Vaticanum II and he did in 1965!!

The result was and is again a miracle.

Did you read the documents of Vaticanum II?

Those documents are so refreshing.

Paul VI started to travel.

Famous are his visits to the United Nations (1965)

 and the Holy Land (1964).

 Paul VI visited all continents and called out

for World Peace and Social Justice.

In 1971 in Manilla they tried

to kill him, but he survived.

Paul VI also did away with much overdone ceremonies.

In 1971 Paul VI recognized

Mother Theresa from Calcutta as a living saint,

by giving her the John XXIII peace price.

Beschrijving: sunflower


1978 was the year of John Paul I.

He reigned 34 days as a pope.

Many people have expressed doubts about his death.

 All we know is, that we missed the opportunity

to know this very special man and his abilities.

It seems that he started some reforms.

 In my opinion we were left behind as orphans

by this untimely death. People are asking

for his beatification too.

Beschrijving: sunflower


If there has been any evil in the death of John Paul I,

 it has been revanched by the miracles

done by John Paul II,the Great, the man from Poland,

who has called out for World Peace,

for reconciliation, who said sorry to everybody

done wrong by Christianity.

His respect for other religions

was shown in the praying together of

many religions in a circle of holyness.

John Paul II escaped an attack upon his life in 1981.

In his healthy years he was a great man.


In his illness John Paul II was even greater.

John Paul II showed us how to live in pain,

with his replaced hip, his painful knees,

his illness of Parkinson and his failing voice.

The last evening of his live

he has blessed the world through the open window

of the bedroom where he would die some hours later.

His voice failed to say the words.

But we knew that he was saying farewell

by blessing us and the world.

Respect he taught us for the handicapped

and for people living in illness.

He had the respect and love of millions.

Beschrijving: sunflower


Even 47 years were not enough discuss all issues:


the role of non clerical volunteers in the church;


equal rights for women;


the epidemics of new illnesses and what to do;




birth control;


fundamental rights for mammals, sea animals, birds;


abolishing torture and death penalty;


saving rainforests and deep ocean life;


equal distribution of resources;


and more.


I met John Paul II in 1985 and 1987

three times and I was very impressed

by his spiritual personality.


We are living in a remarkable time and

we better be on the look out for more miracles to come.

Four popes who will be saints,

will certainly give us miracles of world peace.


Beschrijving: sunflower


With the election of Pope Benedict the series of

blessed popes came to an end.

Back to normal it seems.





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Updated August 18, 2012


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